Sunday, December 17, 2006

Change !?

You think I have changed a lot,
this is something the world says too,
its just a phase in life my friend,
its hard to find whats false, whats true..

You say my way of talking's changed,
and silence rules my tongue much more,
its not my way of talking, friend,
its just my throat thats gone sore..

You say my eyes are now red with hate,
and love n care r left aside,
but its not what u think my friend,
they r just red stains of sorrows inside..

You say my attitude towards life is different,
and I've started behaving like a pessimist,
what better proof of optimism can I give,
when I even welcome a dense fog like a morning myst..

Dont call a 'phase' a 'change' my friend,
'cause there actually is no change in me,
'cause if I do change then you will see,
what a change in me can really be...


Anonymous said...

the last para is awesome rash...really good...soulful..

Anonymous said...

Nice one there, hope to see the change in soul soon [:D]