Monday, March 05, 2007

For the Fireblade...

These are some more thoughts I wrote in regard to the 929 RR Fireblade :
(Ppl close to me might relate a lot to what I have wrote)


The Insanity is back !!

From the bowels of Earth
and the fires of hell
she's taken a re-birth
as she cracks open the shell

she is hungry for long
and I have hibernated through time
I have so missed her song
as she sings in a melodious rhyme

that sparkle in that grin
those eyes full of pride
her strength till the brim
in her they still reside

The roads will burn and so will souls
with so much force that the body rolls
in her there is no power lack
beware all mortals, the insanity is back !!!



Do u understand the language,
the language that goes vroom..
If u havent heard it yet,
then hear me when I zoom..

I talk to her now and then,
and ask her out everyday..
And never has she said a 'no',
letting me enjoy all that I may..

Her beautiful skin,
and her sleek curves,
one sensual touch of mine,
and she red lines into endless shivers..

I kiss her a good nite,
and greet her a good morning,
with great joy she cranks up,
and jumps around roaring...

her loyalty knows no bounds,
far superior than 'bitches' n hounds,
a love for me as always narrated,
in all love-stories that are top rated..

I love her more than you all,
n by now u consider me insane,
but if u dont understand the language of vroom, buddy,
whatever u speculate, is in vain..


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